Top 4 Internet of Things (IoT) Trends in 2021

COVID-19 has substantially boosted the evolution of technology. Technology is evolving at such an accelerated pace that our way of lives is completely changing. With every passing day, we are introduced to latest technology that has the ability to improve our lives. In fact, this ongoing pandemic has reshaped traditional technology trends, innovations, and the entire digital ecosystem.

That being said, even our perspective on life seems to be changing as we’re trying to research ways to be more competitive and productive through the use of technology..

Today, with how things are going around in the world, IT professionals and businesses realize that their roles won’t stay the same in the upcoming contactless future. They’re all improving their businesses processes and incorporating latest technology to be better prepared for similar unprecedented times.

The next couple of years will bring about many technological disruptions and surprises. So, what does this mean for you? This simply means that we need to stay in touch with future technology trends.

It also means that it’s important to keep a lookout for the type of skills you’ll be required to know in order to secure employment tomorrow and learn your way through it. Let’s take a look at five IoT trends in 2021.

A More Productive Work-from-Home (WFH) Culture

WFH is the new normal for most of us today. Work from home has come as a blessing in disguise in this pandemic ridden world, where we need to avoid gatherings and practice social distancing.

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the rise, voice assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant are now being installed in homes. Hence, it’s inevitable that more applications have to be designed to help people manage their day while working from home.

This means we can expect more AI automated calendar and scheduling tools, better quality, virtual meeting technology, and interactive video conferencing. For instance, Microsoft’s Virtual Stage platform utilizes its Azure Kinect sensors to allow immersive presentations that are AI-powered as it keeps people better engaged.

Logistics companies and manufacturing industry, however, still require physical presence. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t benefit from technology. IoT allows you to monitor assets remotely in an effective manner, which gives peace of mind that AI-powered machines will continue the work. These machines are, however, not completely independent of human intervention; they do give out an alert when human intervention is required.

Safe and Efficient Retail Opportunities

Brick and mortar retail has been hit the hardest during this pandemic. In the initial phase of the pandemic, a number of non-essential outlets were temporarily shut with little to no disruption to our lives.

This was all thanks to the emergence of online retail outlets. Stores that supplied essentials such as food and medicine had to remain open to provide basic needs for their local population.

In 2021, we can expect to come across more innovative models like Amazon’s AI-powered supermarkets that will reduce the need for unnecessary human interaction as people stock their homes with food and many other essentials.

Automation through IoT-enables devices will continue to grow in massive fulfillment centers dispatching inventory to retail shops. There will be more contactless payment methods as the world moves towards a cashless society with its own set of challenges.

A Smart City

The concept of a “smart city” has become increasingly popular over the last few years. This is because IoT technology is now being used to monitor and control traffic on road networks.

Smart meters have the ability to record how energy is being used in businesses and homes, so supply is balanced to meet demands when there are peak periods and to avoid any form of wastage, especially where it’s mostly unnecessary.

This year, there’s likely to be an increase of resources that will be used to build digital capabilities throughout municipal authorities to allow them better use of technologies available out there.

As a matter of fact, this will very extremely essential to tackle challenges brought about in a changing society. Moreover, with people being more safety-conscious around public transports, recreational facilities, and city-center offices, IoT technology will enable businesses and authorities to have a better understanding of usage patterns.

An Increase in Healthcare Investments

From automated home help to telemedicine, connected devices, and smart wearable sensors, technology will continue to evolve how healthcare is delivered.

Healthcare technology can also be used to reduce unnecessary human contact in situations that have a high risk of viral transfer, such as in infectious disease wards and home care. A great demonstration of this IoT trend can be seen in how the pandemic increased the adoption of virtual doctor visits or appointments being made online.

This trend will without any doubt keep continue with time. This growth has consequently increased the demand for devices that enable the elderly to become independent in their homes for a longer period of time.

Adapting to these sets of challenges posed by coronavirus is essential since it puts several people in isolation. Technology can allow us to help these people in need immediately.


IoT trends will change every year, and it’s important to learn how they will impact our day-to-day lives. However, what will make these successful is the availability of high-speed internet such as Windstream Kinetic. A good internet connection has the ability to change everything today.

We hope you’re as excited as us for all these new IoT trends for 2021!