How To Recognize A Good Soccer Tipster

People would normally ask, how do you know if a soccer tipster is really good as he claims? In this article, we’ll share to show you the methodology to win your soccer bets with which is to follow expert tipsters which provide you with verified soccer tips. A soccer tipster is a person or an individual who specialize in providing accurate soccer tips for soccer bettors who follow him. Normally, soccer tipsters focus on only soccer and provide verified soccer tips on only this sport because they have spent a lot of years studying the game. However, they sell their tips to soccer bettors who believe in them and their results as their reward for their perseverance and patience.

As punters who will follow tipsters, the main difficulty is to find the right tipsters because there are indeed many (anyone can indeed say they are soccer tipster) but there are almost up to 75% of them who do not you will not make money in the long run. The job is to find the tipsters that will bring you money in the long run. Now the question is; how do you know if a tipster is good or just a faux?

What to look out for in a tipster

 What you have to do when you want to find a new tipster is to always start by knowing if he has a track record. This track record is what we call a balance sheet. A balance sheet is a “document” where he will post all his soccer bets so that people can follow his results. A balance sheet is going to be representative of the level of the tipster from the moment when he is able to have at least 400 winning bets or more in the history of his verified soccer tips. If so, then the tipster is up to the At this moment, you’ll also have to look at his return on investment (ROI). If his ROI is around + 5% or more. Then, you will enter the second phase, and that will be to watch if the balance sheet is verifiable. Indeed, anyone can put an excel document on the internet saying “here is my record! But if it is not verifiable and there is no proof that its balance sheet is good and true, it loses its meaning and there is no interest.

 How to check a balance sheet?

There are two ways to know if a balance sheet is true.

The first is to see if the tipster is verified by a company (there are indeed companies whose purpose is to verify the veracity and compliance of all the bets of a tipster). This is still quite rare.

Other tipsters can post their bets on some popular prediction site. On these sites, you will be able to post your soccer bets and tips. On this platform it is impossible to cheat or lie. The balance sheet is therefore necessarily representative of the bets posted by the tipster. If a tipster that interests you posts his soccer tips on these websites, you can now know that his bets were posted before the game and also know that the balance sheet of tipster is validated and is real.

The second technique to validate a balance sheet will be to know people who follow this tipster. These people can tell you if the balance of the tipster corresponds to the bets this person receives.

The last possibility is to test the tipster yourself. In this case, you will register for his subscription and then you will follow him for a month (without making big bets) but simply to see if the balance is real. You will see for a month if when you receive the bets, they correspond to what he notes in his balance sheet. If so, we can imagine that his balance sheet has been updated correctly since he offers his predictions.

There are no miracle methods to know if a tipster is good as he claims.

To summarize, always choose a tipster that has at least 400 bets in its history and has a good return on investment (around + 5%).  From there, test the tipster yourself by registering for at least a month, and I will see if his predictions match his record and if nothing seems suspicious. Indeed, we know that there are many scams in this area with tipsters that change their balance sheet. It’s really up to you to do the work to find out if the balance sheet is correct and real.